Throughout the ever-evolving landscape of innovation, as new giants emerge, the inevitable decline of older giants is witnessed. I...

Greetings from one entrepreneur to another! As I reminisce about my days as a founder, followed by my time as a product manager at...

Over the years, I've had the privilege of wearing multiple hats: from being a product manager and a venture builder to indexin...

Drawing from my experiences as a former startup founder, a product manager at frog, and now a venture capitalist, I've witness...

I hope this message finds you filled with enthusiasm and passion as you embark on the incredible journey of building your startup....

As a venture capitalist who has traversed the path of a start-up founder and product manager, I am excited to share some insights...

Applied behavioral science applies behavioral insights and theories to real-world contexts, aiming to create practical interventio...

As a fellow entrepreneur who has embarked on the thrilling journey of building and scaling a startup, I wanted to take a moment to...

As a venture capitalist, I know that tracking investments and setting realistic expectations are no laughing matter. But who said...

As startup founders, we embark on a thrilling journey of creating innovative products that cater to the needs of our target audien...

Founders face several critical constraints during their start-up journey. These constraints can pose challenges to their success a...

As a venture capitalist with a decade of experience in product management, I've had the privilege of witnessing the highs and...

Dear Founders, Congratulations on embarking on your entrepreneurial journey! As a venture capitalist, previous founder, product...

Dear Founders, As a venture capitalist, previous founder, and startup advisor, who has seen numerous startups flourish and falter...

Dear Founders, In the ever-evolving realm of startups and entrepreneurship, I stand by your side as a venture capitalist with a...